210 Lafayette Ave., Mon-Thurs 9:30am-8pm; Fri 9:30am-5pm; Sat 9:30am-5pm; Sun 12-5pm
Upcoming Events & Email List
The Library sends out a weekly email, usually on Fridays, with our upcoming events, digital resources, news and more. Join our email list here.
Thursday, Feb. 20
Snowflake Craft
Join Nadine to make 3D snowflakes out of bookpages. They come out really nice and can decorate a space beautifully for the winter. This craft is for adults. All materials will be supplied. Tell your friends and register online.
Sunday, Feb. 23
Memory Lane: Curing Cabin Fever
Join Jeff Sherer for an afternoon of your favorite oldies music and videos. This presentation will highlight 1950s and 60s doo wop, teen idols, the 1960s Brit groups. Register online.
Monday, Feb. 24
Think Like an Organizer: 10 Things An Expert Would Toss Today (Zoom)
Log on and learn insider secrets from an industry expert, Jamie Novak. Register online.

Online Databases
Explore Suffern Library's many databases! Learn a new language, take free classes, read world newspapers, research genealogy...and so much more!

Meeting Rooms
New Meeting Room Application as of March 27, 2024
Meeting rooms are available to groups and organizations in the community for informational, educational, recreational, civic and cultural meetings. Please read the policy carefully to see if your group qualifies for the use of our space. If you have any questions, contact us either by email or by calling (845) 357-1237.
To check availability for the Large Meeting Room click here and for the Suffern Room, click here.

We have hundreds of Magazines available for download. We also have two Kindle stations at the Library where you can download magazines and browse through them while at the Library.

eBooks, eAudio, Videos
We have THOUSANDS of books, including the most popular bestsellers! If a book is not available, you can place it on hold and you will be notified when it is available to download. These books can be downloaded onto all popular eBook Readers.

Movies, Music, Audiobooks, eBooks & More
Instantly stream or temporarily download music, eBooks, comics, audiobooks, television episodes and movies! You can access hoopla via your computer, tablet or smartphone. Just download the free hoopla digital mobile app.
Download Magazines
You can now download magazines directly from Overdrive. These are yours to borrow for up to two weeks. Check out the many options available to you today. Call our librarians if you need help.
Book Sales
Book Sale Donations:
We are now accepting donations of items in “gently used” condition for the book sale. Please follow the “Delivery” signs in the parking lot and drive around to the back of the building where you will find the donation bins. There is a limit of 2 small boxes or bags per drop off. Please do not overflow the bins.
Lobby Book Sale
Our Lobby Book Sale is back. We have carts in the lower level. Pay at the Checkout Desk.
Next Book Sale
Preview Sale for Library Cardholders: Thursday, April 24, 6:00-7:30pm
Regular Sale: Friday & Saturday, April 25 & 26, 9:30am-2pm
Need Help?
Our staff is here to help. Feel free to contact us via email. We continue to answer reference questions via email at askus@suffernfreelibrary.org.